Proverb of the Month

Now that we are wrapping up September, I thought it would be neat to start a new Proverbs series to conclude each month! Not only are the proverbs highly practical, but there are so many that are worthy of highlighting. For September, I want to begin with a very practical proverb about labor.
Proverbs 14:23
“In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty.”
I love that the proverbs is are both straightforward and complex. For instance, this proverb could be applied in so many different directions—certainly business, managing responsibilities and working hard. Talk is cheap, after all, and there is no true, sustainable substitute for hard work. But the verse also clearly says that there is profit in all labor. Not just the labor we invest into our career or education—but the labor we invest into anything useful.
Do you ever feel frustrated when you seemingly waste time and energy working towards something that doesn’t end up panning out? Do you ever feel like your work gets unnoticed or is insignificant because it may not be financially lucrative? Do you measure success by what yields the most tangible return-on-investment only? According to this proverb, there is profit in all labor without exception.
What Does It Mean?
I think this could be referring to the sense of fulfillment and character growth we receive when we work hard towards anything. Whether that means working towards our dreams, learning new skills, taking care of mundane chores, working on our health or fitness, working on growing our faith and investing in our relationships—all labor leads to a profit. If not financially, then in our sense of self-worth and character development. Put it bluntly, hard work is satisfying to the soul.
What about idle chatter? Talking about our dreams, plans, should’s and must’s means nothing without implementation. That is obvious enough, so what stops us? I think some reasons stop after chatter are fear and ignorance. Fear and insecurity can make us afraid to take that leap from dreaming to acting. Maybe we don’t feel like we truly have what it takes or are too scared of failure. Ignorance can trick us into thinking that certain tasks or duties are not worth it or won’t truly benefit is, leading us to neglect them. I certainly am guilty of each pitfall!
Practical Application
If there is anything to take from Proverbs 14:23, it should be the encouragement to just start somewhere! Take a break from dreaming and journaling and start implementing small action steps towards your goals. Take pride in your daily work and chores knowing that there is a profit to even those menial tasks. Invest time in your spiritual and emotional growth knowing you will be better for it. And if you find yourself in a trying season of what I call survival mode, take comfort that your diligence and simple perseverance will profit your character and future in ways you may not see for a while.
What About You?
I would love to know what your thoughts are. Do you see this verse differently? Are there any other ways it could apply to your life?