Fall Photo Diary

Hello there and happy November!
While we are at that time of year where the holiday season is practically shouting at us from around the corner, I want to take some time to pay a little last homage to fall. This past fall has been such a delightful time for me. Not only has the season lasted a little longer than usual, but I have been able to really soak up fall memories and experiences in a way that I have not been able to in a while.
My goal for this post is to simply share some of the highlights of my fall season in a photo diary style and hopefully inspire you to want to also capture your memories in a special way!
This year we grew a pumpkin in our garden for the first time EVER and I had so much fun watching him grow big enough to be plucked up from the earth and placed on our kitchen shelf. While I LOVE the pumpkin patch, this was just more rewarding!
I also got to spend some more time making trips towards central PA and the drives really presented some of the most spectacular foliage I’ve seen yet. There is just something so perfectly fall about a windows-down drive on some foliage-lined highways with moody music playing and a hot pumpkin spiced coffee in hand. Right???
One of my favorite fall activities is to take a simple nature walk. Somehow even the most generic wooded path can become an enchanting wonderland when the leaves become an ombre of golden, orange and red. I have really enjoyed plugging in some music or a podcast and taking a little stroll in the nippy air to get my blood flowing a bit and recharge my spirit.
Of course apple picking and pumpkin patching are obligatory. But this fall I really found that the simpler activities of back country drives or a nature walk really have taken the cake.
I will say, I enjoyed my fair share of baked goods, hot chocolate, syrupy coffees and campfires to top it off. Does my body always thank me for this? Nope. But worth it? Absolutely!
So what about you? If you had to list some highlights from your fall season, what would you include? I’d love to know!